Thursday, February 18, 2016

We need balance of ideologies in educational institutes

According to the JNU website, the tuition fees for pursuing a Graduate degree (Masters and PhD)) is about 500-600 Rs or 10$/ year. I believe room and board is about 500 Rs/year (10$/year).
Govt spends around Rs. 2,30,000 or 4000 $/ year/ per student i.e money from tax payers (mostly middle class people).

I have looked at other institutes like Jamia Milia Islamia, HCU, etc and they have similar fee structure.
Basically 3 or 4 points on this. Incredible and Shocking!
1. It is indeed incredible that we have such institutes in India offering free education with great faculty, fantastic environment that fosters innovation and creative thinking ! As a nation, we need to keep our promise to students in spite of being a poor nation. 
2. Its a also shocking that we may be subsiding education for folks who don't need it. Is there a need for subsidising the fee to all the students. I am assuming 50% of them can pay. Instead of a blanket subsidy, can we put in a tier based scholarship model? I am not against free education (I am for it, but we are not Germany with high per capita income).
3. How can we get some accountability back on students side? rational thinking, questioning the status quo, etc are all fantastic and glad that the universities are encouraging the students to do that. But, how can we stop students from falling into the trap of political parties, non state actors, etc and be used to score political points.
4. Thanks to Jawaharlal Nehru's Congress (and its dependence of Communist and socialist parties to stay in power for 60 + years), these great universities have been infested by Leftist idealogy. Most of the appointments in academic and administrative posts went to left ideology. How do we bring back some balance? There are other autonomous institutes that offer free education, foster creative thinking, develop leadership skills, etc in India with balanced perspectives that can provide campuses like JNU some perspectives and ideas.